Amend Order (v0.0.1)

Command requesting an order be amended.



Order amendments allow change requests to be made of an order. A history of these amendments is kept much like adjustments in a ledger. Note that whether an order is a consignment order cannot be changed.

Architecture diagram

Payload example

Payload example
"orderId": "789e1234-b56c-78d9-e012-3456789fghij",
"description": "Change the description to this",
"customerRef": "456e7891-c23d-45f6-b78a-123456789abc",
"showRef": "456e7891-c23d-45f6-b78a-123456789abc",
"consignmentRef": "456e7891-c23d-45f6-b78a-123456789abc",
"removeItems": ["456e7891-c23d-45f6-b78a-123456789abc"],
"addItems": [
"itemId": "456e7891-c23d-45f6-b78a-123456789abc",
"quantity": 1,
"itemType": "stock",
"description": "a new coaster"
"timestamp": "2024-07-04T14:48:00Z"

Schema (JSON schema)